bobbin bike with basket and teddy in under christmas tree

The Best Kids’ Bike Gifts for Ages 2 to 16 This Christmas!

Kids bikes are a wonderful Christmas present that your children will surely remember. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the perfect one. So, we’re here to help you to pick the suitable two wheels for your little ones. Ready?

Balance Bikes

Moonbug 12” Balance Bike

(Moonbug 12” Balance Bike)

As your toddler starts to toddle, they may also begin to show an interest in bikes. There are bicycles specifically designed for this purpose, along with various ways a child can learn to ride. Ultimately, it comes down to your preference as a parent (what you think is best for your little one) and your child’s readiness

Generally, bikes for a 2-4-year-old (usually 12 inch bike wheels) are a great starting point for learning balance. This is where balance bikes come into play.

A balance bike is designed for toddlers and is known for its pedal-free design. It’s perfect for kids aged 2 to 4 because it’s simple and effective in teaching balance. The absence of pedals means they don’t have to coordinate pedalling and balancing at the same time. 

Instead, they walk and glide while seated on the saddle. As toddlers scoot and steer, they naturally acquire the balance needed, and they can have a smooth transition to a pedal bike when the time comes.

Check out our best-selling balance bikes below:

  • Gingersnap balance bike: The perfect two-wheel companion to get your child started on their own Bobbin adventures. Features a vintage design and an array of vibrant colours.
  • Moonbug balance bike: Like the Gingersnap, the Moonbug is lightweight and manageable for children aged 2 to 4. Its pedal-less design encourages a natural progression toward riding a pedal bike without training wheels. Available in three fantastic shades.

Tip: Learn about the balance bike age range for more information.

Bike with Stabilisers

Gingersnap 12” Wheel

 (Gingersnap 12” Wheel)

This bike’s design is like an upgraded version of a balance bike: it comes with a pedal and stabilisers attached to the rear wheel. The added training wheels provide extra support so your kid can focus on pedalling and steering without worrying about falling. Such additions make this bicycle suitable for kids transitioning from balance bikes.

As their confidence and skills grow, parents can gradually raise the training wheels until their child is ready to ride on their own. This step-by-step process makes the transition smooth, like a newly paved road.

Bobbin’s range of bikes with stabilisers are available in 12” and 16” wheels. What’s more, there’s a new model added to the list — just in time for Christmas:

  • Brownie Junior: Features a smaller frame for easy getting on and off. The included stabilisers focus on safety and comfort. With soft grips and a comfy saddle, young riders can feel safe while improving their skills further. Available in lovely colours of Olive and Caramels.

These models can cater to kids aged 2 to 4 and 3 to 5, respectively.

20” Bikes

Brownie Junior 20” Wheel

(Brownie Junior 20” Wheel)

20” wheel bikes are designed for kids aged 6 to 10, bridging the gap between small and adult-sized bikes. They offer better stability, control, and versatility, which most young riders need for more thrilling adventures.

Our available models in this wheel size will give your child a great way to end the Christmas holidays and start the new year:

  • Bobbin Brownie: This 20” Brownie is a smaller version of our iconic adult bike, the Brownie 7. Like the 16" model, it comes in two unique pastel colours.
  • Hornet bike: Perfect for young explorers who are always on the go! It has a retro look with a modern, kid-friendly design. The lightweight alloy frame is tough and easy to handle.

24” Bikes


Hornet 24” Wheel Kids’ Hybrid Bike


A 24” wheel bike is for kids between the ages of 8 and 12. This size offers a larger frame and increased performance. Speed and control are improved, helping young riders prepare to transition to adult bikes. If your child has a growing passion for cycling, consider gifting them one of our 24” bikes — Hornet 24 or Gingersnap 24 — for Christmas!

26” Bikes


Hornet 24” Wheel Kids’ Hybrid Bike


(Hornet 24” Wheel Kids’ Hybrid Bike

26” wheel bikes are designed for older kids, typically in the age range of 12 to 16 years. What sets it apart from smaller wheel sizes like 20” and 24” is their almost adult-sized frame. The Gingersnap 26, for one, makes a suitable bike for Christmas gift choice for teens.

‘Tis the Season to Buy a Bike

A Bobbin bike for Christmas is a gift your child will remember receiving forever. It’s a chance for your little one to learn a life skill, make memories, and have adventures. And we hope this guide helps you find the best options!

Don’t forget to equip your young rider with a fitting kids bike helmet! Up next on your reading list: What is the Best Bike Colour for Your Child?

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