Bobbin Moonbug Bikes
Our range of Bobbin Moonbug bikes is perfect for kids ages 2-6.
This range includes bikes with stabilisers and balance bikes for you to find the perfect kids bicycle that you and they fall in love with!
Balance Bikes and Pedal bike
Depending on your little one's age and ability, a pedal-less option could be the ideal toddler bike to start with.
The benefits of balance bikes really can't be overstated. They allow children to learn without the fear (for you or them!) of going too fast or falling off.
Whereas, a larger bike with training wheels is also a great option as it provides stability. Our range of kids bikes features wheel sizes in both 12" and 16" for Moonbug models.
With a choice of gorgeous gloss paint finish, you can pick out the perfect bike whether it's for a little boy or a girl.
Our Moonbug range (like all our children's bicycles) are unisex and come in colours to match with lovely accents like brown grips on the handlebars.
A Beautiful Basket
And it doesn't just stop at funky colours! Our Moonbug bicycles come with a handmade wicker basket for that timeless look.
Steel Frame
Our Moonbug lightweight bikes feature steel frames with chrome-plated accents to be durable and weather-resistant.
A Bobbin Bike vs. A "Normal Bike"
If you've been searching around for bikes for kids for a while, let us help you make a decision. With so many bike brands on the market, it's a tough balancing act between budget bikes and good quality ones.
That's why a classic bike from Bobbin is big on quality but low on price tag. Unlike other cheaper bikes, we're dedicated to offering sustainability and fun at the best price.
That's why our Moongbug bikes each feature a Bobbin sprung saddle made from vegan leather and handmade baskets among other little indicators of the quality bikes they are!
So get out on those family bike rides sooner rather than later - the good-time memories are waiting!
Just be sure to follow the instructions regarding leg measurements on the Moonbug model you choose for peace of mind and a perfect fit.