Kids Bikes


This is the home of our amazing range of Kid's Bikes. At Bobbin, we have a huge selection of bicycles for children including vintage kids' bikes, hybrid models for tackling all types of terrain, and models made specially for toddlers like our balance bikes.

We also have great children's bike accessories too - take a look at our kids bikes with stabilisers or choose a bike with its very own wicker basket. We offer a huge range of colourful bikes for girls and boys, explore our range of vibrant and pastel colours from pink, blue, green, yellow and red. Explore one of these categories or take a look at the entire range below.

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More Info on Junior & Kids Bikes

At Bobbin, we aren't just an adult bike manufacturer, we want to encourage the next generation of young riders. We pride ourselves as an online bike store, and we want to create the perfect experience for our customers but we also want to cater for every price range - big and small!

That's why we've got a wide range of bikes for toddlers - from their first bike to when they get a little bigger!


Our range of kids' bikes includes a variety of sizes and styles for all ages. That's why we're sure you'll find the perfect kid-friendly bicycle here at Bobbin. Whether you're looking for a beautiful vintage bike or the simple yet beautiful design of a Dutch-style bike, you'll find it in our superb collection.

Balance Bikes

Balance bikes feature two wheels without any pedals. Bike shops and experts swear by them as toddler bikes, and we're inclined to agree! Balance bikes help to provide an element of freedom for your little one as they can ride these around just about anywhere.

In comparison to bikes with stabilisers, these lightweight bikes are perfect for getting children started on their own adventures.

They help to build confidence in children and allow them to go at a speed they feel comfortable with. As a parent, you will have the peace of mind that no one's going to fall off!

Once your child is confident with a balance bike, moving onto training wheels is a great next step.

They're easy to carry and designed in the same style as our adult bikes. Balance Bicycles make for a great transition bike for children who are still learning to ride.

The most ideal part of balance bikes is that provide your child with the freedom to stop and start their bike when required.

Kids' Pedal Bikes and Breaks

Our bigger bikes for children come fitted with stylish coloured soft grips and calliper brakes. This way, you can keep your children's safety a priority whilst still giving them the freedom to enjoy their new bike.

Plus, our bikes for bikes for 5-8 year olds and bikes for 7-11 year olds feature 7 gears, so you can get your youngsters out on the road in no time. Our kid's bicycles also come in a range of wheel sizes to suit boys and girls of all ages. Choose from 12 to 26 inch wheel kids bikes to suit growing youngsters.

The larger models also feature colour-matched mudguards, a classic Bobbin bell and responsive hand brakes. And if you really want to customise your kids' bikes, check out our kids bike accessories selection for fun decorations for their handlebars.

For those seeking adventure, a kid's bmx bike is the best thing to let them really push the medals and get the action they're seeking. 

You can even get a kids bike with a basket which is great for holding items. This is fantastic as it provides them with a feeling of responsibility when on family outings.

Our children's bikes also come in a selection of classic Bobbin colours, from soft pastels to snazzy retro shades, to suit boys and girls alike. Plus our bikes are sustainable and a great choice for the climate.


At Bobbin, our range of kids Gingersnap bicycles isn't just created for quality and style Although you may find cheaper kids' bicycles on the market, our Bobbin Bikes are made to last and you won't be disappointed with the premium feeling and beautiful styles of our bicycles.

Along with our commitment to low prices, you can pay in 3 interest-free instalments.


As parents (and the designated bike buyer!), it's up to you to make the final decision when purchasing a bicycle. That's why we want to provide you with a bike that keeps your children safe and happy at a reasonable price.

Our bikes are great for standing out as they look amazing and there are so many colours to choose from. Our bikes function well and have a steel frame, you can expect longevity. With so many bikes on the market, we’re confident you’ll find the perfect bicycle frame on our website.

Whether you're looking for the latest model, or to create an experience for your child, you've come to the right place.

When it comes to the size for your child's bike, we have all of the information you need to know, to provide your child with the perfect fit. To find out more about this keep scrolling or click here for assembly instructions.

Bike Fit

Finding the correct size bike starts with measuring the legs. Take a measuring tape, place it on the floor inside the leg and measure upwards.

If you want the perfect size bike for your children, check out the instructions in this chart.

If two sizes fit, always go for the bigger. It will fit for longer, so you don't need to buy a bicycle each time your child grows.

Pick from smaller 12" bikes all the way up to larger models, like our 24" wheel bikes.

We love the seats on Bobbin Bicycles as they are made for comfort and longevity. Especially during longer rides.

Inspiring Design

And last but not least, your Bobbin bicycle wouldn't be such a quality bike if it didn't look awesome! We are proud to supply bikes to children up and down the country, with such high-quality frames and cool features.

Bobbin bikes are the type of bicycle to get you waves, smiles and compliments as you sail by. And our kids' bike designs are no different, taking inspiration from a number of iconic vintage bicycles to create unique and eye-catching bicycles.

Head over to our blog for information on how to get the most out of your Bobbin bike and to learn about the brand. Or, head over to our pages on delivery and your order.