10 Tips On How To Cycle With a Baby

10 Tips On How To Cycle With a Baby

If you’re ready to venture out into cycling with a baby, then delve into the post below because we have some fantastic tips you can follow and use today! Don’t forget you’re helmet before you set off!

Front mounted seats - Consider using a front mounted baby seat, although be aware, this can impair your vision of the path ahead so only use this if you’re going slow and on a quiet route.

Trailer - Kids trailers are great if you want to allow your child a space to sleep whilst you cycle.

Rear bike seat - If your baby is more awake, sitting them in a rear bike seat is a great option.

Helmets - It’s important to never forget to wear your helmet!

Age  - A baby should be around 9 months or older before you consider cycling with them.

Lights - Lights are ideal, especially in the winter months since they help to keep you safe.

Breaks - Taking regular breaks is important for both yourself as the rider and your baby.

Route - Choose a quiet and traffic-free route to cycle on.

Weather - Check the weather before you go and adjust your route where you need to.

Clothing - Match your clothing to the weather to make sure your baby stays warm.

Now you have these great tips, you’re ready to go!

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