Help your little ones go green by cycling - and with the bike they ride! Our kids' green bikes come in a range of greens to choose, from the pastel green of our gingersnap models, the pea green of the moonbug, to racing green and even olive!
The gift of a personalised kids' bike is assured to bring joy to children of all ages, whether you're buying a bike for 4 to 6 year olds or as old as a bike for teenagers.
If you're feeling shade, then why not check out our other colours? Explore our blue kids' bikes and kids' red bikes.
Duck Egg Blue
Delicate and tasteful pale blue
A joyous red-pink. Think peonies and Frida Kahlo
Blossom pink
Classic pale pink. Third wave and guilt-free
A pastel mint colour inspired by 1950's gelaterias
YellowThe colour of sunshine and buttercups