10 Tips On How To Cycle With Twins

10 Tips On How To Cycle With Twins

Cycling with your family is a great way to get everyone outdoors and experiencing all that nature has to offer, but it’s not always easy when you’ve got a set of twins! Here, we have some great tips on cycling with twins. Grab your water bottles and helmets, you’re off on an adventure.

Friends - Accept the help of friends and make the journey easy for everyone!

Area - Pick safe flat areas to let your twins explore, tarmac paths and parks are great options.

Trips - Take shorter trips to begin with until everyone is confident. 

Accessories - Let them choose their accessories so they get excited beforehand.

Bikes - Let them play with the bikes at home to get them used to it.

Maintenance - Make sure the bike is well maintained before you set off.

Roads - Stay away from busy roads until everyone is ready.

Safety - Teach them the rules of the road before a trip.

Baskets - Let your kids carry their own shopping back in their bike basket or their own belongings on the trip to get them excited.

Weather - Check the weather so you know just how to dress your kids so they don’t get too hot or too cold.

That’s it! Now all you have to do is enjoy!

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