Electric Bike vs Normal Bike - Should You Still Get a Manual Bike?

Electric Bike vs Normal Bike - Should You Still Get a Manual Bike?

Cycling is a sustainable means of transportation, with regular bikes being a top choice. But with e-bikes rolling in the market, you might be wondering how they compare to manual versions. So, which way to go?

In this guide, we’ll define each type, explain how they work, and other factors to help you decide which one’s suitable for you, whether you’re a new cyclist or ready for a new bike.

What Are Regular Bikes?

Beat Dutch Bike

A regular bike is a pedal-powered bicycle that’s been popular for generations. It’s designed with a frame that connects all its parts, including the wheels, handlebars, saddle, chain, brakes, gears, and pedals. A city bike can be considered a regular bike because it shares the same basic components and functions as other regular bicycles.

With each pedal stroke, the bike moves forward. The science behind this is simple: it converts up to 90 per cent of a rider’s energy into kinetic energy. This can be beneficial for a person in several ways: providing exercise, promoting joint health, and being good for the environment.

What Are E-Bikes?

(Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

At first glance, an electrical bike (e-bike) may look just like a regular bike. It has wheels, handlebars, and a frame, but it also includes electric components. It’s equipped with a motor, a battery pack, and, in some models, a display screen. The battery powers the motor, which provides assistance while you pedal (yes, you’ll still have to pedal just like a regular bike). This extra boost helps you maintain your pace and makes it easier to ride farther and tackle steep hills.

Note: E-bike batteries require regular recharging. They can be removed and charged off the bike or left on the bike for charging. Simply plug the charging unit into an outlet and connect it to the socket on the e-bike battery. Always follow the manufacturer’s charging recommendations.

Maintenance and Repairs

Both traditional and electric bikes require regular care and maintenance. However, e-bikes will need more frequent professional servicing. For one, their complex mechanical components may need specialised attention. Their batteries can permanently lose charge and die without being correctly managed.

In contrast, maintenance and repairs for regular bikes can be straightforward. With a guide to follow, you should be able to take care of most parts at home. Refer to our guide, ‘Bike Maintenance Ideas and Tips,’ for instructions.

Fitness and Efficiency

(Image Credit: Pexels)

Riding an e-bike requires less effort, thanks to the thumb throttle or pedal assist. The electric motor’s features allow you to enjoy the best of both worlds: 1.) using power when you need for a boost, or 2.) setting the e-bike to a lower support level to mimic the manual bicycle riding style and still benefit from cardio. This makes e-bikes an excellent choice for commuting or enjoying a leisurely weekend ride.

Or, a regular bike could be a great choice if you live close to work or school and enjoy the fitness that comes with it. Pedalling requires more physical exertion, providing cardiovascular benefits and engaging muscles more effectively. It can also help with burning more calories per mile, aiding in weight management.

Regular bikes are also healthier for the environment, owing both to the lower resource requirements of the manufacturing process, as well as not requiring electricity to work.

Cost and Budget

E-bikes generally require a higher initial investment compared to regular bikes. This is due to the quality of the components used, battery longevity, and types of motors used. If you think you’ll enjoy the perks that come with an e-bike, this investment will prove worthwhile over time.

If you prefer a manual bike, Bobbin offers a wide range of quality two-wheel pedalled models at reasonable prices. You can find kids’ and adult bikes, as well as bike accessories.


Electric and regular bikes are great modes of transportation, encouraging less reliance on cars. Your choice will depend on your preferences, requirements, and budget. Always prioritise safety on the road and be mindful of the regulations and rules.

Regular bicycles generally face fewer restrictions and can be used in public areas. However, e-bikes may be subject to specific rules that vary depending on the location.

Up next on your reading list: The Bobbin Adult Bikes Gift Guide

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