Should I Get a Balance Bike or a Pedal Bike for My Child?

Should I Get a Balance Bike or a Pedal Bike for My Child?

Choosing whether to start with a balance bike or jump straight to a pedal bike is a common dilemma for many parents. Each option provides a different learning curve, so which one is best suited for your child? This guide will compare these two to help you make an informed choice, so keep reading.

What Is a Balance Bike?

Gingersnap 12” Balance Bike

A balance bike is a type of learner’s bicycle for kids that has no pedals. Instead, the rider propels it by pushing their feet along the ground. This method allows children to explore various riding behaviours that bikes with training wheels don’t. They can thrust with both feet, use one foot, or glide without pedalling, which helps them learn to balance and steer. Such movements make it easier for young riders to transition to a traditional bicycle.

Now, what age are balance bikes for? They are suitable for toddlers and children aged 18 months to 5 years old.

What Is a Pedal Bike?

Moonbug 12” Wheel

A pedal bike is a standard bicycle with pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain. Children ride these bikes by sitting on the saddle and pushing the two pedals with their feet. These gears help them propel forward with a little extra boost. Every child is unique and may be ready to start their cycling adventure with this type of bicycle without needing a transition from a balance bike.

When should kids get a pedal bike? There are no specified age ranges, as children learn to ride at their own pace between 3 and 8 years old.

Why Should You Choose a Balance Bike?

Riding on a balance bike involves your child keeping their feet flat on the floor and simply walking the vehicle along. As the bicycle leans to one side, your little rider will naturally bring it back upright and continue to move forward. Balance is being taught without even realising it! As they gain speed and confidence, they may start sitting down and picking up their feet for longer periods, gradually moving faster. Over time, they also develop motor skills and coordination, all while having fun.

Give this guide a read: ‘Are Balance Bikes Safe? Toddler Cycling Safety Guide’ to learn more.

Why a Pedal Bike Might Be the Right Choice?

Gingersnap 12” Wheel

Pedalling is the moment when your child can truly say, ‘I'm riding a bike!’ Once they’ve mastered balancing on two wheels without assistance, it’s a promising sign that they may be ready to embrace pedalling. After all, the ability to balance is the foundation on which success in riding a pedal bike is built.

Tip: Consider a bike with stabilisers if your child is eager to pedal but hasn’t yet mastered balancing. Training wheels introduce the concepts of pedalling and balancing, though it may take some time before they can ride without them.

Balance Bike or Pedal Bike?

As mentioned, every child develops at their own pace. Some may benefit from starting with balance bikes for children to acquire balance and coordination transitioning. Others may be better off advancing with pedal bikes, considering the genuine interest and enthusiasm they have. When choosing between the two, it’s always better to assess their readiness based on these signs rather than strictly adhering to a specific age range.

Up next on your reading list: The Best Kids Bikes with Stabilisers from Bobbin

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