Guide to Cycling Through Traffic
Cyclists are bound by The Highway Code, just like all other road users. Some rules are backed by law, meaning penalties can apply for breaches. One example is cycling through traffic, where bike riders, whether on an adult bike or city bike, are expected to ride responsibly. Here’s what to do if you find yourself in rush-hour traffic.
Cycling Rules for Safe and Legal Riding

Rules are set to guide cyclists on how to behave while pedalling through congested areas and sharing the road with other users, like drivers and pedestrians. Here’s a breakdown of some traffic guidelines so you can stay safe, along with everyone else, on the route.
Always follow traffic signs and signals at traffic lights
This is a golden rule for all road users to maintain order and prevent accidents. For cyclists, this means:
Stopping at a red or amber light or at the cycle box at traffic lights
Proceeding when the green light is shown or flashing (but you must check for any potential hazards, like turning vehicles or pedestrians, before moving off)
Giving way when encountering the ‘Give Way’ sign
Using designated cycle lanes where they exist
Slowing down at pedestrian crossing signals
Don’t cross the stop line at red lights
Say you’re at a junction or a cycle-only crossing with a red light; you must stop before the line and wait until the light turns green. Please do so even if it seems like no vehicles are coming from your point of view. Drivers often don’t notice cyclists because they’re focused on other cars. One way to overcome this is to blend in with the predictability that traffic signals provide.
You’ll never know what might be coming the other way, so it’s best not to take any risks and stop.
Master these two road positioning techniques
There are two positions to take depending on the situation, and they can help you manage traffic better. First, position yourself in the centre of your lane for better visibility. For instance, when the traffic around you starts to flow more freely, move over to the left to let faster vehicles overtake and reduce the chance of a collision.
Second, on busy roads with faster-moving traffic, let vehicles pass when it’s safe to do so. Maintain a distance of at least 0.5 metres from the kerb, or further if it’s safer. On dual carriageways, traffic moves quickly, so take extra care when crossing slip roads.
Use cycle-specific traffic lights at junctions
Junctions can be tricky; that’s where bikes, cars, and pedestrians all meet, often heading in different directions. At junctions without separate cycling facilities, you must act as if you’re driving a car to make yourself more predictable to other road users.
Follow the signals, give way when necessary, and position yourself where drivers can see you. Stay alert, as others may not always follow the rules. If you don’t feel safe, you can always get off and walk your bike across the junction.
Be cautious of vehicles turning
Keep your eyes on the road, and watch out for any vehicles turning in front of you, either into or out of side roads. The same goes for if you’re turning left. Avoid riding on the inside of vehicles that are signalling or slowing down so you won’t get in their path.
Check traffic before turning right, signal, and move to the centre of the road. Wait for a gap in oncoming traffic, then check again before turning. If it feels unsafe, wait or walk your bike across. Give way to pedestrians when turning into or out of a side road to avoid accidents and ensure smooth traffic flow.
Remember to use two-stage turns when needed
At some signal-controlled junctions, you might see signs and markings for turning right in two stages—called two-stage turns. The first stage is when the light turns green, which cues you to go straight to the spot with the cycle symbol and arrow. Stop and wait. The second stage is when you complete the turn when the light on the other side turns green.
It can feel a bit overwhelming trying to remember all these rules, especially when you’re stuck in peak-time traffic, with distractions and the pressure of getting where you need to be. But it’s worth taking the time to get them down and stay compliant—it’s your safety and everyone else on the road, after all.
Cycling in Traffic FAQs
Can cyclists go through red lights?
No, cyclists must not cross the stop line when the traffic lights are red. Otherwise, this could lead them in the path of oncoming traffic or cause confusion for other road users.
Can cyclists undertake?
Yes, cyclists can undertake or filter to the left of slow-moving traffic, but it should be done safely. This is allowed because it helps keep traffic flowing and reduces the risk of cyclists being stuck behind idling vehicles. However, the cyclist must be visible, and there should be enough space or a gap to pass through. Watch for drivers indicating left, as they might pull in without seeing you!
Can you ride a bike on the pavement?
No, cyclists should not ride on the pavement. For one, pavements are pedestrian footpaths, meaning they’re meant for people walking. Always stick to the road or cycle paths where possible.